
Series 5000: Students

5122 Assigning Students to a Teacher and Classes in Grades K-12

Each School Principal will have the responsibility and the authority for assignment of each  student to his or her class and, therefore, his or her teacher with the best interests of the child in  mind. Principals will not take requests to place children with particular teachers. The parent(s)  is/are encouraged to consult with their Principal or designee in the spring prior to classroom  assignments concerning the child's learning style, specialties and difficulties, and particular  needs, personal or educational. The parent(s) is/are also encouraged to discuss with the Building  Principal the child's progress in the fall once classes are under way. However, the Principal will  make the final determination in placing all children. 

Students transferring from a school accredited by a State Department of Education will enroll at  the grade level and with the course credits indicated by the records of the previous school.  Students transferring from a school that is non-accredited will be accepted for enrollment at the  level school records indicate, but the level of mastery and the quality of their previous class work  must be validated against the District’s performance standards and benchmarks. 

Grades K-8 

Previous work will be validated for K-8 students by successfully completing the grade in which  they enroll. If upon enrollment, it appears that the student is not able to handle the assigned level  after 20 school days, the school psychologist or other qualified person will evaluate the student  by a written and/or oral examination. The psychologist, building principal, teachers, and parents  involved will meet to determine the appropriateness of the placement of the student. 

Grades 9-12 

Transfer From an Accredited School 

A student transferring from an accredited school must earn a minimum of 5 credits during the  senior year to receive a Thomaston High School diploma. Any transferred second-semester  senior may arrange with his/her former school to receive a diploma.


Transfer from a Non-accredited School (Including Home-Schooling) 

Previous high school work will be validated for a 9-12 student by successfully completing a  placement assessment for every unit/course completed in a non-accredited high school or home schooling, i.e. successful completion of the placement assessment of mathematics would validate  the mathematics credit being transferred. If the placement assessment does not validate the credit,  similar or equivalent work will be evaluated at the discretion of the Principal. Students  transferring from non-accredited schools or home-schooling may transfer a maximum of six (6)  equivalent units per school year. Ordinarily, students from non-accredited high schools or from  home-schooling will not be eligible to graduate from Thomaston High School with less than two 

years of full-time attendance.

(cf. 5122.3 – Assignment of Former Home-Schooled Students to Classes)

(cf. 5123 – Promotion/Retention) 

(cf. 6146 – Graduation Requirements) 

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes 

10-221(b) Boards of education to prescribe rules 

Policy adopted: February 12, 2018 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston,

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