
Series 5000: Students

5131.912 Conduct

Aggressive Behavior 

The Board recognizes there are certain behaviors that, if tolerated, would quickly destroy the  type of learning environment to which the students and staff of the District are entitled. These  behaviors, categorized as violent or aggressive, will not be tolerated and shall result in  immediate action being taken by the district. 

Students exhibiting violent or aggressive behavior or warning signs of future violent or aggressive behavior shall receive appropriate intervention to change behavior before a crisis  occurs and shall be subject to disciplinary action when appropriate. 

Students shall be taught to recognize the warning signs of violent and aggressive behavior and shall report questionable behavior or potentially violent situations to appropriate school  officials. All reports shall be taken seriously. 

Acts of violence and aggression shall be well documented and communicated by the staff to the School Principal and the Superintendent. The immediate involvement of the parents/guardians  is also essential. Law enforcement officials shall be involved if there is any violation of law. 

An act of violence and aggression is any expression, direct or indirect, verbal or behavioral, of intent to inflict harm, injury or damage to persons or property. A threat of violence and  aggression carries with it implied notions of risk of violence and a probability of harm or  injury. 

The following behaviors are defined as violent and aggressive: 

1. Possession, threat with or use of a weapon - as described in the district' s weapons policy. 

2. Physical assault - the act of striking or touching a person or that person' s property with a part of the body or with any object with the intent of causing hurt or harm. 

3. Verbal abuse - includes, but is not limited to, swearing, screaming, obscene gestures or threats directed, either orally (including by telephone) or in writing (including  online), at an individual, his or her family or a group. 

4. Intimidation - an act intended to frighten or coerce someone into submission or obedience. 

5. Extortion - the use of verbal or physical coercion in order to obtain financial or material gain from others.

6. Bullying – any overt acts by a student or a group of students directed against another student with the intent to ridicule, humiliate or intimidate the other student while on  school grounds or a school-sponsored activity which acts are repeated against the same  student over time. 

7. Gang Activity - as described in the district' s secret societies/gang activity policy.

8. Sexual Harassment - as described in the district' s sexual harassment policy. 

9. Stalking - the persistent following, contacting, watching or any other such threatening actions that compromise the peace of mind or the personal safety of an individual. 

10. Defiance - a serious act or instance of defying or opposing legitimate authority. 

11. Discriminatory Slurs - insulting, disparaging or derogatory comments made directly or by innuendo regarding a person' s race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national or  ethnic background or handicap. 

12. Vandalism - damaging or defacing property owned by or in the rightful possession of  another. 

13. Terrorism - a threat to commit violence communicated with the intent to terrorize or with reckless disregard for the risk of creating such terror or to cause serious public  inconvenience, such as the evacuation of a building. 

(cf. 5114 - Suspension and Expulsion/due Process) 

(cf. 5131 - Conduct) 

(cf. 5131.21 - Violent and Aggressive Behavior) 

(cf. 5131.7 - Weapons and Dangerous Weapons) 

(cf. 5131.9 - Gang activity or Association) 

(cf. 5131.91 - Hazing) 

(cf. 5131.92 - Bullying) 

(cf. 5144 - Discipline/Punishment) 

(cf. 5145.5 - Sexual Harassment) 

(cf. 5145.51 - Peer Sexual Harassment) 

(cf. 6114.7 - Safe Schools) 

(cf. 6121.1 - Equal Educational Opportunity) 

Policy adopted: February 12, 2018 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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