
Series 5000: Students

5131.6 Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco

It is the policy of the schools to take positive action through education, counseling, parental involvement, medical referral, and police referral in the handling of incidents in the schools involving the possession, sale, and/or use of behavior affecting substances. These substances shall include but not be limited to alcohol and controlled substances as defined by the Penal Code of the State of Connecticut and inhalable substances (including gases, solvents, butane propane, adhesives). 

Alcohol, tobacco, stimulants, street drugs, including but not limited to marijuana, heroin and cocaine; anabolic steroids, hormones and analogues, diuretics and other performance enhancing substances; including supplements and Creatine, are addressed by this policy and accompanying administrative regulations. 

Possessing, using, or transmitting any substance which is represented to be or looks like a narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage, stimulant, depressant, or intoxicant of any kind, including such substances that contain chemicals which produce the same effect of illegal substances including but not limited to Spice and K2 and bath salts are addressed by this policy. 

In the event that the student is under the influence of a drug or alcohol, or engaged in the illegal activity of possessing or selling drugs and/or alcohol, he/she will be suspended from school, referred to the appropriate treatment agency, possibly considered for expulsion and the parents will be contacted. In cases of the illegal activity of possessing or selling drugs or alcohol, he/she will be referred to the police department. 

Privacy Rights 

Personal privacy rights of students shall be protected as provided by law. School properties may be inspected by school authorities to maintain health and safety. Searches to locate drugs ,narcotics, liquor, weapons, poisons, and missing properties are matters relating to health and safety and may be regarded as reasonable grounds for searches by school personnel. Privileged communication between a certified or paraprofessional employee and a student concerning drug abuse shall remain confidential except in cases where the employee is obtaining physical evidence of a controlled substance, and/or where there is an immediate threat to, or where students' health, safety, and welfare may be jeopardized. 

School properties may be inspected by school authorities in the interest of maintenance, health and safety. Inspections for the location of drugs, narcotics, liquor, weapons, poisons and missing properties are matters relating to health and safety and may be regarded as reasonable purposes for inspection by school personnel. (cf. 5145.12 - Search and Seizure)

The Board is also concerned that other substances, not listed as “controlled substances,” such as contained in common household items and inhalants, if purposely used inappropriately, can also have a stimulant, depressant or hallucinogenic effect on students. Inappropriate use, possession, sale or distribution of these non-controlled substances will result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to, suspension and/or expulsion. Further, grade level appropriate education pertaining to proper use of these materials and the danger of abuse shall be presented. 

Illegal Activities 

Use, possession, sale or distribution of drugs, including prescription drugs, drug paraphernalia and/or alcoholic beverages in violation of state law or Board of Education policy is prohibited at any time on school premises or at any school-sponsored activity. If a student is under the influence of a drug or alcohol, or engaged in the illegal activity of possessing or selling drugs and/or alcohol, the police will be notified, his/her parent(s)/guardian will be contacted, he/she will be suspended from school, referred to a Student Support Team, and considered for expulsion. In cases of the illegal activity of possessing or selling drugs or alcohol, students will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. If a student is arrested and is awaiting trial for possession of, or possession of with intent to sell drugs in or on school property or at a school-sponsored event, the student will not be allowed to attend school without the permission of the Superintendent, per the guidelines set forth in Policy #5114

Smoking is prohibited by law in the school building while classes are in session or student activities are occurring. 

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes 

1-21b Smoking prohibited in certain places. 

10a-18 Programs to be offered on effects of drugs and alcohol. 

10-221(d) boards of education to prescribe rules re use,sale of possession. 

21a-240 Definitions, dependency producing drugs. 

21a-243 Regulation re schedules of controlled substances. 

20 U.S.C. Section 7181 et.seq., No Child Left Behind Act 

Policy adopted: 

Revised and Board Approved: January 10, 2022 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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