
Series 5000: Students

5133 Behavior of Participants in Athletic Events

Players are expected to comply fully and wholeheartedly with the intent and spirit of the rules of the game and to respect the dignity of the game, the officials, the opponents, and the institution which  they represent. Any display of unsportsmanlike behavior at any time will bring proper penalties and  discipline and, if necessary, a forfeiture of a temporary or of a permanent nature of playing  privileges for any transgressing student. 

Conduct of the participants during the contest is under the control of the appointed game officials who have jurisdiction to levy any penalties they feel necessary, which penalties may include  ejection from the game and suspension from future games. 

Any action taken by a coach to suspend a player from any future games should immediately be communicated in writing to the Athletic Director, giving the name of the student involved, date and reason for suspension. 

Policy adopted: February 12, 2018 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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