
Series 5000: Students

5135 Academic Eligibility

Eligibility to Participate in Extracurricular Activities 

The Board of Education believes individual students will benefit from opportunities to grow  physically and intellectually through experiences that provide the opportunity for participation in  competitive intraschool and interschool teams, individual sports activities, and extracurricular  school sponsored clubs and organizations. 

The purpose of school sponsored extracurricular athletics, clubs and organizations is both educational and recreational. The activities should encourage participation by as many students  as possible and should be carried on with the best interests of the participants as the prime  consideration. Participation should be without unreasonable interference with other obligations in  the school, community and home. 

Every possible effort shall be made to offer equal opportunities for both sexes in activities. It is  recognized that well-organized and well-conducted school sponsored extracurricular programs  are potent factors in the morale of a student body and an important phase of good school community relations. The ultimate goal is to develop and improve the positive citizenship of  students and to emphasize academic standards. Students must be matriculating in Thomaston  Public Schools and maintain an overall minimum “C-” average in order to participate in school  sponsored extracurricular athletics, clubs and organizations. 

Policy adopted: February 12, 2018 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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