
Series 5000: Students

5142.1 Relations with Non-Custodial Parents

The Board of Education, unless informed otherwise, assumes that there are no restrictions regarding  the non-custodial parent's right to be kept informed of the student's school progress and activities. If  restrictions are made relative to these rights, the custodial parent will be required to submit a  certified copy of the court order, to the superintendent, which curtails these specific rights. 

Unless there are specific court-imposed restrictions, such as a final divorce decree which includes  specific denial of visitation rights or a restraining order denying such rights, the non-custodial  parent, upon written request may view the student's educational, medical or similar records  maintained in such student's cumulative record, receive school progress reports, visit the child  briefly at school and have an opportunity to conference with the student's teacher(s). 

The Board of Education presumes that the person who enrolls a student in school is the student's  custodial parent. Further, the parent with whom the student resides is known as the custodial parent  unless a legal document or signed parental agreement indicates otherwise. Verification may be  required from the custodial parent. 

While both parents can visit the student at school, only the custodial parent has the right to remove  the student from school property. Only a verified note from the custodial parent will be cause for  exception to this provision. If school personnel anticipate a possible student abduction, law  enforcement personnel are to be notified immediately. 

The custodial parent has the responsibility to keep the school office informed as to the address of  residence, in a manner determined by the school, and how he/she may be contacted at all times.  Any legal documents which restrict the rights of the non-custodial parent must be provided by the custodial parent. Unless otherwise indicated by a verified note from the parent or by a legal  document provided by a parent, only the custodial parent has the right to remove the student from  school property. If school personnel anticipate a possible student abduction, law enforcement  personnel are to be notified immediately, and the student will remain on school property pending the arrival of law enforcement officials. 

(cf. 5113.2 - Attendance and Excuses) 

(cf. 5118 - Nonresident Students) 

(cf. 5124 - Reporting to Parents) 

(cf. 5125/5125.1 - Student Records/Confidentiality) 

(cf. 5145.8 - Emancipation of Minors) 

(cf. 5142.2 - Student Dismissal Precautions)

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes 

10-15b Access of parent or guardian to student's records 

46b-56 Access of records of minor children by non-custodial parent 

Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 

Department of Education 34 C.F.R. Part 99 (May 9, 1980 45FR 30802) regs. implementing 

FERPA enacted as part of 438 of General Education Provisions Act (20  U.S.C. 1232g) - parent and student privacy and other rights with respect to  educational records. 

Policy adopted: February 12, 2018 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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