
Series 5000: Students

5142.2 Dismissal Precautions

Safety: Student Dismissal Precautions 

The school district is legally responsible for the safety of its students during the school day.  Therefore, each Building Principal will establish procedures to validate requests for early dismissal,  to assure that students are released only for proper reasons, and only to authorized person(s). 

Staff members shall not excuse any student from school prior to the end of the school day, or into  any person's custody without the direct prior approval and knowledge of the Building Principal, or  his or her designee. 

In keeping with these precautions, the following procedures will be adhered to: 

  • The Building Principal or designee shall not excuse a student before the end of the school day without a written and signed request for early dismissal by the student's parent or  guardian. 

  • Children of single-parent families will be released only upon the request to the custodial  parent; i.e., the parent whom the court holds directly responsible for the child, and who is  identified as such on the school record. 

Additional precautions may be taken by the school administration, appropriate to the age of  students, and as needs arise. Parents shall provide documentation concerning parental rights,  including divorce decrees and restraining orders if any. 

Policy adopted: February 12, 2018 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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