
Series 5000: Students

5145.14 On-Campus Recruitment

Subject to the provisions of Subdivision (11) of Subsection (b) of Section 1-210 of the Connecticut  General Statutes, the high schools of the school district shall provide the same directory information  and on-campus recruiting opportunities to representatives of the armed forces of the United States  of America and State Armed Services as are offered to nonmilitary recruiters, recruiters for  commercial concerns and recruiters representing institutions of higher education. 

The Board of Education (Board) will inform, at the middle and high school level, students and  parents/guardians of the availability of (1) vocational, technical and technological education and  training at technical high schools, and (2) agricultural sciences and technology education at regional  agricultural science and technology education centers. 

The Board shall also provide full access for the recruitment of students by technical high school, regional agricultural science and technology education centers, inter-district magnet schools, charter  schools and inter-district student attendance programs, provided such recruitment is not for the  purpose of interscholastic athletic competition. The Board shall also post information about school  options on its website. 

Directory information or class lists of student names and/or addresses shall not be distributed to  recruiting schools without the consent of the parent or legal guardian of the student or by the  student who has attained majority status. 

Military recruiters or institutions of higher learning shall have access to secondary school students’  names, addresses, and telephone listings unless a secondary student or the parent of the student  requests that such information not be released without prior written parental consent. The Board of Education shall notify parents of the option to make such request and shall comply with any request  received. 

The school administrator shall make the determination of when the recruitment meetings are to take  place and reserves the right to deny such meeting where the holding of such meeting will materially  and substantially interfere with the proper and orderly operation of the school. 

Any person or organization denied the rights accorded under this policy shall have the right to  request a review of the decision by the Board of Education by filing a written request with the  Superintendent of Schools. 

(cf. 5125 - Student Records; Confidentiality) 

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes 

1-210 (11) Access to public records. Exempt records.

10-220d Student recruitment by a regional and interdistrict specialized  schools and programs. Recruitment of athletes prohibited (as amended by  P.A. 12-116, An Act Concerning Educational Reform)

10-221b Boards of education to establish written uniform policy re treatment  of recruiters. (as amended by PA 98-252) 

P.L. 106-398, 2000 H.R. 4205: The National Defense Authorization Act for  Fiscal Year 2001 

P.L. 107-110 “No Child Left Behind Act” Title IX, Sec. 9528 

Policy adopted: February 12, 2018 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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