
Series 6000: Instruction

6114.3 Bomb Threats

Bomb Threats

The Board shall approve administrative guidelines covering the safety of all students and

personnel in emergency situations arising from bomb threats to the school system.

Policy adopted: October 15, 2007 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Thomaston, Connecticut


Time and date reported:

How reported:

Exact words of caller:

Questions to ask:

1. When is the bomb to explode?

2. Where is the bomb right now?

3. What kind of bomb is it?

4. What does it look like?

5. Why did you place the bomb?

6. Where are you calling from?

Description of caller's voice:

Male Female Young Middle Aged Old

Tone of voice:

Serious Joking Giggling or laughing

Sounded tense Sounded very sure Sounded unsure

Had an accent If so, what kind?

Is voice familiar? If so, whose?

Were there any background noises?

Other voice characteristics

Time caller hung up Action taken

Name, title, address, telephone number of recipient

Action taken by recipient

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