
Series 6000: Instruction

6141.32 Computer Literacy

The Board recognizes its responsibility for the district staff and students have access to up-to-date technological materials and equipment. As used in this policy, "technology" refers principally to electronic materials and equipment, including computers, telecommunications, lasers and robotics.

The following reflect the district's goals for students regarding instructional technology:

1. To foster an atmosphere of enthusiasm and curiosity regarding new technology and its applications;

2. To heighten each student's familiarity and/or working knowledge of current technological materials/equipment;

3. To provide all students equal access to district technological materials/equipment and to instruction in their implementation;

4. To ensure that the various technologies are utilized in a variety of applications, and are not restricted to one subject area or one location in the schools;

5. To promote district educational goals through the use of such technology(ies).

In order to achieve the above-stated goals, the Board shall seek the advice of representatives from groups utilizing technology in pursuit of district goals (i.e., Board members, administrators, teachers, support staff, parents, business, community representatives and students). In addition, the Board directs the Superintendent to equip district schools with appropriate and up-to-date hardware/software, to schedule "hands-on" in-service activities for district staff and to implement suggestions from the above representatives and the instructional materials planning committee, within budgetary constraints.

Policy adopted: October 15, 2007 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Thomaston, Connecticut

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