
Series 6000: Instruction

6141.328 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Protocol for the Use of Technology in the Schools


Protocol for Use of Technology in Schools

Technology use is everywhere in our world today. The Thomaston Board of Education believes schools should play a role in teaching students to use technology appropriately. Rather than banning the devices the District’s students use in their daily lives, the same devices they will soon come to rely on in their future professional lives, it is important to guide them in developing the skills needed to be productive digital citizens when bringing their own technology to campus. Therefore, access to personal Internet devices will only be permissible in non-instructional spaces that are deemed appropriate by Administration.

Student’s Role

Students may not have any personal device capable of accessing the Internet visible during instructional times. During instructional time, all personal Internet devices are to be off and away out of sight. Students are expected to use the district owned and approved devices during instructional times. The devices shall not be used in a manner that disrupts the educational process, including, but not limited to, posing a threat to academic integrity or violating confidentiality or privacy rights of another individual. Use of personal Internet devices shall be limited to the student’s lunch, study hall and flex at the high school level. Usage of personal Internet devices are not permitted during lunch at the elementary and intermediate school level. Non-instructional time will vary by school building and Administration will provide direction to his/her respective staff.

Access to the devices is a privilege and not a right. Each student will be required to follow the Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks Policy and the Internet Access Conduct Agreement.

Students may only access the internet through the filtered District connection, regardless of whether they are using their personal device or a District-issued device. District staff will not provide software or technical assistance for student-owned devices.

Students must bring Chromebooks to school daily, fully charged.

The use of cameras in any type of electronic device is strictly prohibited in locker rooms, restrooms, and classrooms. Where students are allowed to use electronic devices, they are required to obtain permission before taking a photograph or video of any individual. Students must also obtain permission from any individual appearing in a photograph or video prior to posting on any social networking site or other internet site.

Students found to be using any electronic communications device that disrupts the learning environment and/or is deemed inappropriately used will be reported to Administration. Any personal Internet devices that sends or receives personal messages, data, or information that would contribute to or constitute cheating on any student assessment, project, or assignment shall be subject to discipline and the device shall be confiscated and not returned until a parent conference has been held by Administration

Students are responsible for safeguarding devices they bring to school. The District shall not be responsible for loss, theft, damages, or destruction of student owned devices brought onto school property.

Students shall comply with any additional rules developed by the school concerning appropriate use of telecommunication or other electronic devices.

Students violating the provisions of this policy are subject to disciplinary action, including losing the privilege of bringing the device onto school property, detention, suspension, or expulsion. In addition, an administrator will confiscate the devices, which shall only be returned to the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). Where appropriate, police authorities may be contacted.

Other Acceptable Uses:

A. IEP, 504, or Health Care/Medical Plan. Students may use cellular phones, wireless communication devices and other electronic devices during class time when authorized pursuant to an Individual Education Plan (IEP), a Section 504 Accommodation Plan, or a Health Care/Medical Plan with supportive documentation from the student’s physician.

B. Health, Safety or Emergency Reasons. Exceptions to the restrictions in this policy, in part or in its entirety, may be made for health, safety and emergency reasons by Administration.

d. School Trips or School-Sponsored Activities. The use, display or activation of cellular phones or other wireless communication devices during school trips or school sponsored activities shall be at the discretion of the Administration or designee, but shall not be disruptive to the activity.

e. Other Reasons. Other reasons determined appropriate by Administration.

Teacher’s Role

1. Teachers are facilitators of instruction in their classrooms. Therefore, they will not spend time on fixing technical difficulties with students’ personal devices in the classrooms. They will educate and provide guidance on how to use a device and troubleshoot simple issues, but they will not provide technical support. This responsibility resides at home with parents/guardians.

2. Teachers may communicate information regarding educational applications and suggest appropriate tools that can be downloaded to personal devices at home. Parents will need to assist their younger children with downloads if they wish to follow teachers’ suggestions. No applications are to be downloaded at school.

3. Teachers are to closely supervise students to ensure appropriate use of technology in the classrooms.

4. It is understood that not every student has his/her own electronic device. To ensure equal accessibility to technology resources, teachers will provide students with technology available within the school through use of the chromebook provided by Thomaston Public Schools.

5. The misuse of these student personal Internet devices, as with any personally owned device, will require the teacher to confiscate and report the misuse to Administration.

6. Based on the belief that power cords stretched out in classrooms become a safety issue both for the student and devices, charging the device in any classroom, hallway, or any other location that may be a safety concern will not be allowed.

(cf. 5114 – Suspension/Expulsion)

(cf. 5131.81 – Use of Electronic Devices) (cf. 5131.911 – Bullying)

(cf. 5131.913 – Cyberbullying)

(cf. 5131 – Conduct) (cf. 5144 – Discipline)

(cf. 6141.321 – Acceptable Computer Use Policy)

(cf. 6141.323 – Internet Acceptable Use: Filtering)

(cf. 6141.326 – Online Social Networking)

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes 10-221 Boards of education to prescribe rules

Policy adopted: August 21, 2023

THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut Revised on August 2, 2024 

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