
Series 6000: Instruction

6141.4 Independent Study

  1. All plans to implement an independent study program must be reviewed and approved by the Building Principal. Approval must be arranged prior to a student beginning the implementation of an independent study program.
  2. The number of hours required for an independent study program must meet the minimum hours of required classroom instruction set by the State Department of Education if credit is to be awarded to the student for the course.
  3. All independent study programs must be developed and supervised by certificated Thomaston staff. Appropriate certificated staff should be involved in the design of the independent study (i.e., classroom teacher, guidance counselor, etc.). The Building Principal shall designate the staff that will be involved in the individual design of an independent study program.
  4. No independent study may begin any later than two weeks after the beginning of a school semester if course credit is to be awarded.


  1. To broaden and strengthen curriculum content thereby overcoming the visual limitations of the regular school program.
  2. To provide students an opportunity to make decisions and to select from a series of options about their activities in school.
  3. To place students in a more active role in the learning process.
  4. To provide learning experiences tailored to the interests, talents, and needs of individual students.
  5. To enable students to develop confidence in their ability to learn, to think imaginatively, and to explore ideas.
  6. To develop in students the ability to comprehend, apply, analyze, and synthesize information.
  7. To provide students an opportunity to develop responsibility through developing and following a plan of study.
  8. To foster in students a continuing interest in learning.

Regulation approved: October 15, 2007 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Thomaston, Connecticut

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