
Series 6000: Instruction

6145.41 School Productions


School Productions 

Student productions are important elements of the instructional program and contribute directly to the accomplishment of the school's goals. The Board of Education shall encourage the development of school theatrical productions.

The Board recognizes that students have rights to free expression in student theatrical productions. Consequently, student speech shall be limited in officially sponsored student theatrical productions only if there is a legitimate pedagogical reason to do so. The administration shall develop regulations to provide guidance on such legitimate pedagogical reasons. 


School productions shall refer to any performance involving student participants and prepared for an audience, either within or outside the regular school day. Productions shall include, but not be restricted to, concerts, plays, variety shows and exhibits. 


School productions involving students shall meet the following criteria:

1. Performances and productions shall contribute to educational goals and objectives and shall not substantially disrupt regularly scheduled school activities or classes.

2. Include content that adheres to constitutional requirements for separation of church and state.

3. Encourage inclusiveness and reflect sensitivity to diversity, race, religion, disability and ethnicity.

4. Consideration by the faculty of the maturity levels of students and appropriate standards of theatrical taste.

5. Performances shall be approved in advance by the principal.

6. Sponsors shall avoid the extended use of a particular student group.

7. Arrangements shall be made to provide proper supervision and to assure that participating students conduct themselves in a way that brings credit to the school.

8. Performances that are scheduled outside school hours are preferred. 

Student productions shall not contain speech which:

1. is vulgar, indecent or obscene;

2. contains libelous comments, personal attacks or abusive language such as language defaming a person’s character, race, religion, ethnic origin, gender, family status, or disability;

3. causes or clearly threatens to cause a material and substantial disruption of normal school functions or school activities;

4. encourages the commission of unlawful acts or the violation of lawful school rules; or

5. promotes any product or service not permitted to minors by law. 

Students may appeal a faculty advisor’s or principal’s decision to restrict production. 

(cf. 6145.3 - Publications)

(cf. 6145.4 - Student Performances) 

Legal Reference:    

Eisner v Stamford Board of Education, 440 F. 2d 803 (2nd Cir 1971)

Trachtman v Anker, 563 F. 2d 512 (2nd Cir. 1977) cert. denied, 435 U.S. 925 (1978)

Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeir, 484 U.S. 260 (1988) 

Policy adopted: October 15, 2007 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut 

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