
Series 6000: Instruction

6145.6 Travel and Exchange Programs


Travel and Exchange Programs

Foreign Exchange Students Attending Local Schools

The Board of Education recognizes the value of a foreign exchange for students. This unique opportunity to experience the culture of another country can be an effective and memorable learning experience for a student. Personal contact promotes global awareness and international understanding. To that end, the Board welcomes the enrollment of international exchange students and further encourages District students to take any opportunities that they may have to participate in such programs and study in another country.

With Board approval, a District school may establish a sister-school relationship with a school in another country.

In order to insure that students coming into the local school system from another country have a positive experience, as a foreign exchange student, the following guidelines will be distributed to all concerned sponsoring agencies and families. 

1. The Board of Education reserves the right to determine, on an individual basis, if a foreign exchange student may or may not attend public school.

2. Advance notice must be provided to the school prior to the finalization of arrangements to accept an exchange student.

3. The decision to accept a foreign exchange student into a district public school shall rest with the building Principal who will take into account such factors as space, appropriateness of placement, etc. (cf. 5111 - Admission/Placement).

4. It is understood that foreign exchange students shall not be eligible for a District high school diploma, but may be given a certificate of attendance (or an honorary diploma) for the period of time in the District and may participate in graduation ceremonies if appropriate.

5. Agencies, groups and/or families sponsoring foreign exchange students in town should submit health and educational  records to the school they would like the student to attend as early as possible. These records will be a factor in the decision regarding attendance. All international exchange students shall meet state and District immunization requirements.

6. The name and telephone number of the sponsoring agency/representative must be on file in the school before the school year begins. 


 7. All living arrangements for foreign exchange students are the responsibility of the sponsoring agency and families. This includes changes in living arrangements after the student has arrived and throughout his/her stay. Neither the Board of Education nor any of its employees will assume responsibility in this area.

8. Foreign exchange students are subject to the same academic and behavioral standards as all other students while enrolled in District schools.

9. The Board of Education will provide the most appropriate program available for each foreign exchange student, but should not be expected to offer English as a Second Language services.

10. No foreign exchange student will be accepted who has already completed secondary education. 

11. This program is designed for foreign students who enter the country on one-year J-I visas through established      exchange programs designated by the United States Information Agency and the Department of State and officially  recognized by the Board, such as Youth for Understanding, American Field Service and Rotary.

12. The student or sponsoring organization will provide all dues and fees.

13. Students entering the United States on F-I visas may attend schools in the district only upon full payment of tuition before entering the United States. This tuition fee may not be waived due to federal legislation. Students attending school on an F-I visa are limited to a period of attendance not to exceed 12 months.


14. The District shall not incur any financial obligations when sending and/or receiving international exchange students. Program sponsors shall provide assurance of their responsibility for health/accident/liability insurance, the student’s home placement, and the resolution of any related personal difficulties which may arise.

District Students Participating in Foreign Exchange Programs 

Any district student, planning on going to a foreign country as an exchange student, shall, prior to leaving, request permission from the school Principal to have course work completed in the foreign country applied to his/her high school educational record. The Principal shall notify the Board of Education of his/her decision. 


If permission is granted, the following guidelines shall apply: 

1. If an English speaking student attends school in a non English speaking country for a full year, upon return from that country, no credits will be accepted from that country with the exception of that country's language credit. (2 credits)

2. If a student attends school in an English speaking country, the student must present a transcript from the school upon his/her return. The transcript will be evaluated in terms of credit to be granted by the high school Principal. The decision of the high school Principal in such cases shall be final.

Students who do not bring a transcript with them at the time they register for their courses upon their return will resume their education at the grade level/graduation requirement status at which they were on their departure.

(cf. 5145.1 – Foreign Exchange Students)

(cf. 6146 - Graduation Requirements) 

Legal Reference:    

Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996 

Connecticut General Statutes

10-27 International studies, exchange programs. Advisory committee. (amended by PA 04-153, An Act  Encouraging International Students Programs) 

Policy adopted: October 15, 2007 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut 

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