
Series 6000: Instruction

6145.8 Activity Funds Management


Activity Funds Management

School activity funds may be expended only for purposes which may benefit the student body of the school. All rules, regulations, and procedures for the conduct, operation and maintenance of extracurricular accounts, and for the safeguarding, accounting and auditing of all monies received and derived from those accounts are to contribute to that objective.

The accounting system for managing student activity funds shall be designed to encourage the largest possible educational return to students without sacrificing the safety of funds or exposing students to undue responsibility or unnecessary routine. 

(cf. 3454 - School Activity Funds)

Legal Reference:    

Connecticut General Statutes


10-237 School activity funds.

Policy adopted: October 15, 2007 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut 


Activity Funds Management 

Solicitation by Students

At times it may be appropriate for students to solicit fellow students and the general public for funds for specific projects or activities. The purpose of any solicitation must be very clear and specific.

The best fund-raising projects are those that grow out of a student activity or program on the school grounds. Examples of such activities by classes or clubs would be car washes, school dances, flea markets, sales at athletic events, etc. Generally, solicitation using commercial products, i.e. candy, magazines, is discouraged. Fund-raising is viewed as a secondary activity of a student organization. The funds raised should not be for routine organization expenses.

Solicitation of the community in general should be generally restricted. Door to door sales are not encouraged and solicitation of the public should be for a clearly identified goal which may be attained in one fund-raising event, i.e. scholarship or memorial fund.

Fund-raising activity limited to the students of a given school, at the school, needs the approval of the school Principal. Where the fund-raising activity goes beyond the local school to other schools or the general public, it requires the approval of the Superintendent.

All student groups and organizations shall make application for approval of a fund raising event on the form attached. Approval of the Advisor, school Principal, and where necessary, the Superintendent of Schools.

Clubs and organizations may need to raise funds to support specific projects. Funds raised should not be for routine organization expenses. 

Fund-raising activities which are for less than $300 and restricted to the school needs the approval of the Advisor and the school Principal.

Clubs and organizations which desire to undertake fund-raising activities to raise in excess of $300 and require general solicitation of the public beyond the school grounds requires the specific approval of the Advisor, school Principal, and the Superintendent of Schools. 

Regulation approved: October 15, 2007 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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