
Series 6000: Instruction

6145 Extra-Class Activities: Closed Forum

The Board of Education establishes a closed forum for the district’s high school student organization and requires such organizations to be directly related to the curriculum. Membership in all student organizations is open to all students of the school without regard to race, color, sex, religion, handicap, creed or national origin. Such organizations will operate within the framework of state and federal law, statutes, Board policy, administrative rules and the parameters of the learning program.

Each Principal will develop general guidelines for the establishment and operation of student organizations within the school. Such guidelines will include the approval of the Principal prior to the formation of any club or organization, the assignment of at least one Faculty Advisor to each student organization, and compliance with the provisions of Board policy.

The formation of any student organization that may engage in activities of an apparently controversial nature that may, in the opinion of the Principal, interfere with the legitimate educational concerns of the school will require approval by the Board. All student organizations are required to open membership to all interested and/or eligible students. Additionally, fraternities, sororities and/or secret societies will not receive recognition in any manner. 

A Faculty Advisor must attend every meeting of the student organization whether conducted on school premises or at another location.

The Principal is authorized to deny all requests for forming an organization where the requirements of this policy and Board policy are not met. When the Principal denies the request of students desiring to form an organization in a particular school, the Principal will inform the students of the reasons for the denial. The students may submit a written request to the Superintendent or his/her designees within ten (10) days of the denial for a review of the Principal's decision. The decision of the Superintendent or his/her designee after review of the denial will be final. 

Criteria for Curriculum Related Groups 

1. Is the subject matter of the group actually taught, or will it soon be taught, in a regularly offered course?

2. Is the subject matter of the group concerned with the body of course as a whole?

3. Is participation in the group required for a particular course?

4. Does participation in the group result in academic credit? 

Attention is directed to the Extra-Curricular Student Handbook for rules and regulations for student participation in extra-curricular activities.

Legal Reference:    

Westside Community Board of Education v. Mergens

Equal Access Act, 20 U.S.C. §4071 et. seq. 

Policy adopted: October 15, 2007 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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