
Series 6000: Instruction

6153 Field Trips-Secondary Schools


Field trips which have been carefully planned are very worthwhile and will be encouraged by the administration. This is very definitely a project in which student-teacher participation in the planning is necessary. Plans should include an evaluation of the trip at the next session of the class. 

In fairness to the rest of the faculty, teachers planning such trips will be required to obtain permission from an administrator at least four to six weeks prior to the date of the trip. The field trip information forms will be given to the teacher as soon as permission has been received. These forms are to be turned in at least two days prior to the trip. 

Teachers planning field trips must also notify the cafeteria manager of any field trips when classes will not be eating lunch in the cafeteria. This must be done at least a week before the scheduled trip. 

Overnight Field Trips 

The building Principal will send a memorandum in advance to the Superintendent covering the following matters in applying for approval of overnight field trips: 

  1. The purpose of the trip and its appropriateness for the age group.
  2. The number of students participating and the number and names of teachers and/or parent chaperons involved.
  3. The arrangements which have been made for transportation and lodging. (If Board fails to approve of the trip, deposits will be refunded.)
  4. Evidence of the responsibility of the carrier.
  5. The insurance arrangements which have been made for staff and students to cover this particular trip.
  6. The cost requirements of the trip and the means by which the requirements are to be met.
  7. The arrangements which have been made within the school to cover for the teachers who are going on the trip and for those students who will be remaining in school.
  8. Upon completion of the trip, the leader will file a written report with the Principal including all unusual incidents.


Out-of-State Field Trips 

Field trips out-of-state require approval by the Board of Education. Requests for such approval must be brought to the Board for its consideration at least six to eight weeks prior to the planned date of the trip. 

Elementary Schools 

  1. Teachers are authorized to make educational trips with their classes during the year. Trips by foot are valuable and encouraged as long as they fulfill some need in the curriculum of the group concerned. Teachers must consider the traffic danger and distance involved in any trip by foot before making final preparations for same.
  2. All educational trips should be carefully planned as part of the school program. A minimum of two weeks notice must be given to the Principal of any trip planned so that all necessary details may be completed. Before a trip is discussed with the students, the trip must be cleared with and approved by the Principal.
  3. All teachers are required to send notification to the parent of a contemplated educational trip.
  4. Each trip should be carefully planned by the teacher and the class to cover the following points:
  5. Discussion of the trip and why it is taken;
  6. Specific questions which should be asked at the place being visited;
  7. Discussion of standards of courtesy, safety and behavior; and
  8. The teacher and the class should evaluate each trip in the light of why it was originally planned.
  9. No private cars may be used.
  10. The cafeteria is to be notified prior to the date of the trip.
  11. A letter of appreciation should be written to the person who made the trip possible.

Regulation approved: October 15, 2007


Thomaston, Connecticut

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