
Series 6000: Instruction

6154 Homework

The purpose of homework is to help students become self-directed, independent learners and is related to the educational progress of the student. It serves to help all students reach their instructional goals. Homework is an integral part of instructional program and should be meaningful. It helps students to develop constructive attitudes and to sharpen skills needed towards academic mastery and success.

Types of Homework:

1. Practice of Skills

Practice provides students with the opportunity to reinforce and master specific skills presented in class and to review content.

2. Preparation For Future Classes

Prepares students for the next class meeting, and may include reading, library research, or other information gathering activities.

3. Extension of Classwork Extension

Focuses on individual application, research and study; takes students beyond work covered in class.

4. Make Up Work Work

Missed during class that is critical in reinforcing and developing student mastery. Teachers shall assign homework       according to administrative regulations. Administrative regulations shall be included in annual parent/student and teacher handbooks. 

Legal Reference:    

Connecticut General Statutes

10-221 Boards of Education to prescribe rules, policies and procedures.

Policy adopted: October 15, 2007 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut



Student’s Responsibility

1. Students are to be responsible for finding out and making up work missed when absent.

2. Students are to understand the purpose and requirement of the assignment.

3. Students are to understand the suggested time allotment.

4. Students are to budget time realistically.

5. Students are to advocate for themselves in obtaining any resources or materials needed.

6. Students are to demonstrate integrity and not to give or receive so much help that the value of the homework will be destroyed.

Teacher’s Responsibility

1. Teachers will explain to students at the beginning of the school year and subsequently, if necessary the homework policy and how it will be carried out.

2. Teachers will ensure students understand the purpose of an assignment as well as how to execute it. Assignments should be given orally and in written form with a specific due date.

3. Teachers will properly evaluate and return homework assignments within as short a time as possible.

4. Teachers will communicate with parents of the children who are falling behind in completing homework assignments.

Parent’s Responsibility

1. Parents should encourage a positive attitude toward school and express confidence in their child’s ability to do work.

2. Parents should arrange for a quiet suitable place with adequate time for their child to work.

3. Parents should stress the importance and benefits of homework by:

a. Encouraging their child to complete homework assignments.

b. Helping their child learn how to schedule his/her time.

c. Letting their child know they are available to listen to, or ask questions about, material being studied.

4. Parents should recognize that homework cannot become their responsibility, and they should give their child the     opportunity to take charge of this part of his/her learning. 

5. Parents should contact the teacher at school with any questions or concerns regarding homework.

Legal Reference:  

Connecticut General Statutes

10-221 Boards of Education to prescribe rules, policies and procedures.

Regulation approved: October 15, 2007 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut


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