
Series 6000: Instruction

6156 Use of Computers in Instruction

The Board recognizes that technological advances in all areas are necessary and that computers are and will continue to be a part of this advance. As such, the Board's goal is to implement computer resources in each school facility. Because of the many types of application and the potential cost, the Board establishes the following policy to plan for and guide this growth both for instructional and administrative uses.

Computers for instruction will be used primarily for the following: 

1. Computer-assisted instruction to improve student performance.

2. Managing an instructional program in areas such as a classroom, library and resource room, involving maintenance of test scores, grades, and other data used in evaluating instruction and student progress.

3. Teaching computer skills and/or concepts.

4. Simulations for general interest, enrichment, and motivation.

5. Teaching job skills. 

Any student or staff member using computers will be instructed in the proper use and care of the

hardware and software prior to its use.

Data bases will be restricted to those normally generated within instructional areas.

The school Principal, or designee, will coordinate the use of computers in the classrooms within

his/her building. 

Policy adopted: October 15, 2007 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut 

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