
Series 6000: Instruction

6162 Instructional Resources for Teachers

All District classrooms and media centers should be equipped with an evenly-proportioned, wide assortment of teaching tools, textbooks, workbooks, audio-visual materials, and equipment selected to meet the students' needs. Textbooks and instructional materials should provide quality learning experiences for students and: 

1. Enrich and support the curriculum;

2. Stimulate growth in knowledge, literary appreciation, aesthetic values, and ethical standards;

3. Provide background information to enable students to make intelligent judgments;

4. Present opposing sides of controversial issues;

5. Be representative of the many religious, ethnic, and cultural groups and their contributions to our American heritage;

6. Depict in an accurate and unbiased way the cultural diversity and pluralistic nature of American society.

A list of textbooks and instructional materials used in the District shall be revised annually by building administrators under the Superintendent's direction and shall be made available to the Board and professional staff as a reference. Anyone may inspect any textbook or instructional material. 

Teachers are encouraged to limit the use of supplemental media material to only that which will enhance, or otherwise illustrate, the subjects being taught. All supplemental media material must be age-appropriate. Additionally, no R-rated movie shall be shown to students unless prior approval is received from the Building Principal and Superintendent and parents are notified of its nature and possible offensive content and give permission for their child, if under age 18, to view it. No NC-17 movies shall be shown under any circumstances. 

( cf. 6177 - Use of Commercially Produced Video Recordings) 

Legal References: General Education Provisions Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g. 

Policy adopted:  November 19, 2007


Thomaston, Connecticut

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