
Series 6000: Instruction

6172.3 Home Schooling

Equivalent Education Under Parental Direction

The Thomaston Board of Education believes that formal education in the public schools is highly beneficial both for the child and for the society, but it also recognizes the right of parents to fulfill their obligation to ensure an education of their children by schooling them at home.

Home schooling is viewed by the Thomaston Board of Education as full time. Accordingly, home schooled students are not eligible for school offerings, activities or to enroll, at the Thomaston Board of Education’s expense, in any part-time programs at private or public institutions.

Legal Reference:   

Connecticut General Statutes

10-184 Duties of parents.

 10-220 Duties of Boards of Education.

Policy adopted: November 19, 2007

Board Approved: February 14, 2022 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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