
Series 6000: Instruction

6176 Career and Vocational Education

The Board of Education believes that constructive attitudes and concepts involving the dignity of all kinds of work should be woven into existing curriculum, commencing with the beginning grades. Educational programs shall continuously expose students to the nature of the wide variety of careers in the world of work. Occupational education shall take into account technical and economic conditions and changes, and, as a core component of comprehensive education, shall share with other aspects of the curriculum the purpose of development of character and attitudes as well as skills. Guidance and counseling services shall be provided to each student throughout his or her academic program.

The Board of Education directs the administration to offer a planned, ongoing and systematic program of instruction in career education and in vocational education.

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes

10-221 Board of education to prescribe rules.

10-265a Definitions.

10-265b State grants for vocational educational equipment. 

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