
Series 7000: New Construction

7113.1 Retirement of Buildings

A building owned by the school district may be retired from use when the Board of Education  determines that it is no longer useful to the district and/or is unsuitable to the current needs or  projected needs of the district. The master facilities plan for the district should be the base for  considering the closing of a facility, and should require additional study of the possibility of  remodeling the facility for other purposes or for changing purposes. The Board of Education will  appoint a committee representing a cross-section of opinion in the school district as well as  representing the people in the area served by the facility to study the issue and to recommend  alternatives for the Board to consider, including retirement, alternative use, remodeling, continuation in use, or any other recommendations the committee might choose to make. 

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes 

10-240 Control of Schools 

Policy adopted: February 12, 2018 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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