
Series 7000: New Construction

7123 Educational Consultant, Architectural Consultant

Educational Consultant, Architectural Consultant 

The Board of Education is charged with developing concepts and educational specifications for construction of facilities. To provide the best possible educational environment within financial  and physical constraints, it may be necessary to retain either an educational consultant or an  architect who is familiar with the structures and equipment needed to house educational programs. 

Choosing an Educational or Architectural Consultant


The Board will appoint a committee to interview qualified applicants for the project and recommend to the Superintendent an Educational or Architectural Consultant for the project. The Superintendent will make the final determination of the individual to be recommended to the Board. 

Membership of the committee should include, when possible, an outside volunteer architect or  person familiar with architectural designing, the Superintendent or designee, Business Manager, Building and Grounds Director and one or more Board of Education members. 

In selecting an educational consultant, the following criteria will be considered:

1. Training and experience including that of partners and associates. 

2. Planning ability and promptness. 

3. Specification writing, accuracy, and sufficiency of detail. 

4. Familiarity with the type of educational programming and organizations used in the local  schools. 

5. Inspection of job effectiveness. 

6. Experience with state and local level government agencies in the State of Connecticut. 

Policy adopted: February 12, 2018 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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