
Series 7000: New Construction

7230 Design and Process

It is the responsibility of the School Building Committee to develop plans and specifications for  school facilities based on the information they receive from the Board of Education in the form of  Educational Specifications. A designated central office administrator shall attend all meetings of  the School Building Committee, and provide liaison services between Town Committees, the  Public Works Department, and the Superintendent of Schools. Plans and specifications, after being  approved by the School Building Committee shall be presented to the Board of Education for  approval. 

The Superintendent on the grant application form shall affirm that the school district considered  the maximization of natural light, the use and feasibility of wireless connectivity technology and,  beginning July 1, 2014, the school safety infrastructure standards developed by the School Safety  Infrastructure Council. (Such standards address school building and classroom entryways, use of  cameras throughout the school building and at all entrances and exits, including use of closed circuit television monitoring, penetration resistant vestibules, and other security infrastructure  improvements and devices as they become industry standards.) 

(cf. 7115 - Developing Design Specifications) 

(cf. 7230.1 - Energy Conserving Construction) 

(cf. 7230.2 - Indoor Air Quality) 

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes 

Public Act 13-3 An Act Concerning Gun Violence Prevention and  Children’s Safety (Sections 80, 81, 82) 

10-283 Applications for grants for school building projects (as amended  by P.A. 13-3) 

Policy adopted: February 12, 2018 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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