
Series 7000: New Construction

7540 Assembling and Preserving Documents

Plans, specifications, warranties, and other documents which will be important in the operation of  the facility shall become the property of the Board of Education upon completion of the project and shall be catalogued and permanently stored by the Superintendent for future reference. 

The District recognizes that Connecticut General Statutes 10-287(a) and 10-287(i) requires the State Department of Education through its Office of Internal Audit in conjunction with the Bureau of Grants Management and the Bureau of School Facilities to conduct an audit of the school  construction grants prior to final payment. Therefore, the District, in cooperation with the School  Building Committee, will maintain, but not limited to the following, the following documentation  and records for audit purposes. 

1. General Ledger, project ledger or other subsidiary ledger of project costs.

2. Cash Disbursement Journals, payment vouchers, paid invoices, contracts, etc.

3. Detail schedule of project costs as reported to the SDE. 

4. Audited Financial Statements. 

5. Building Committee Minutes 

6. Documentation of “Other Funding” associated with the project.

7. Documentation of site or facility acquisition costs (if applicable) including closing statements and land and/or building appraisals. 

8. Documentation supporting project costs including: 

  • Construction contract with bid specifications 
  • Evidence of public bidding (newspaper invoices or ads) 
  • Bidding summaries for contracts. 
  • All change orders and addenda. 
  • Contractors’ Applications for Payment (Contractor Invoices)
  • Subcontractor invoices (for projects with a Construction Manager)

9. Projected enrollment data which supports the highest eight-year projected student enrollment figure submitted to the Department. 

10. Documentation to support “gross floor area” such as blueprints or architect drawings identifying existing and new floor area. 

11. Schedules identifying any ineligible or limited eligible items. 

12. Official statements for all bond issues, if applicable. 

13. Supporting documentation for all derived or prorated amounts. 

14. Correspondence files. 

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes 

10-287(a) Installment payments to school building project grants 

10-287(i) Progress payments of state share of eligible project costs 

Policy adopted: February 12, 2018 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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