
Series 9000: Bylaws of the Board

9000 Role of the Board and Member (Powers, Purposes, Duties)

The Board of Education is the governing body of the school district and derives its power and exists under the Constitution and General Statutes of the State of Connecticut and the procedures of the Connecticut State Board of Education. 

Board Duties 

The Board of Education's basic duties shall include: 

1. Employ an able and qualified Superintendent of Schools. 

2. Adopt policies to govern the operation of the school system. 

3. Adopt an annual budget. 

4. Communicate the educational program to the people of the community.

5. Keep abreast of future educational needs of the town as well as the present.

6. Take such specific actions as are required by law. 

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes 

1-200 Definitions. 

10-186 Duties of local and regional boards of education. 

10-220 Duties of boards of education. 

10-221 Boards of education to prescribe rules. 

10-240 Control of schools. 

10-241 Powers of school districts. 

Bylaw adopted by the Board: December 8, 2014 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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