
Series 9000: Bylaws of the Board

9121 Office of the Chairperson

The duties of the Chairperson shall be to: 

1. Preside at all meetings of the Board and perform all duties imposed by Connecticut General Statute 10-218 and those prescribed by policies, rules and regulations. 

2. Call special meetings as deemed necessary or when upon receiving a written request by three (3) of the members of the Board. 

3. Appoint members to the committees created by the Board. 

4. Serve as an ex-officio member of committees. 

5. Keep the Vice-Chairperson duly informed on all pertinent matters in case of absence of the Chairperson. 

6. Act as a resource to the Superintendent on decisions which may require further input between Board meetings. 

7. Assure such other regular duties as may be authorized by the Board. 

8. Appoint a Clerk of the Board who shall attend the meetings of the Board, take the minutes and prepare and maintain the records of its proceedings. 

The Chairperson's signature shall be an alternative signature on all legal documents requiring the signature of the Secretary. 

(cf. 9100 - Organization) 

(cf. 9120 - Officers) 

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes 

10-218 Officers. Meetings. 

Bylaw adopted by the Board: December 8, 2014 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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