
Series 9000: Bylaws of the Board

9132 Standing Committees

Committees of the Thomaston Board of Education shall be established at the first regularly scheduled meeting in December, or as needed, by a majority vote of the Board.

Each standing committee shall be considered to be in session for two years only to coincide with officer terms. The duties of each committee shall be outlined at the time of appointment, and the committee shall regularly report to the Board of Education.

Each committee may make a report through its Chairperson at the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education.

Duties and Responsibilities

1. Policy Committee

The Policy Committee shall be made up of three members of the Board of Education including the Board Vice-Chairperson. The Board Vice-Chairperson shall serve as the Committee Chairperson. The Committee will carry the responsibility of reviewing, revising and updating policy and to recommend those changes to the full Board of Education for consideration and implementation.

2. Budget/Audit Committee

The Budget/Audit Committee shall be made up of three members of the Board of Education including the Board Treasurer. The Board Treasurer shall serve as the Committee Chairperson. The Committee will carry the responsibility of developing the coming year’s budget with the Superintendent of Schools and the Business Manager.

Legal Reference:     Connecticut General Statutes

1-200 through 1- 241 of the Freedom of Information Act. 1-18a Definitions.

1-21a Meetings of government agencies to be public.

Policy Revised: May 13, 2024 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Thomaston, Connecticut

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