
Series 9000: Bylaws of the Board

9271 Code of Ethics

As a guide to performing their duties, Board members should: 

1. Be an advocate of high-quality free public education for all Connecticut children. 

2. As an agent of the state, uphold and enforce all laws, rules, regulations, and court orders pertaining to public schools, and bring about any needed change only through legal and  ethical means. 

3. Help create public schools that meet the individual educational needs of all children regardless of their ability, race, creed, sex, physical, social/emotional condition, or social standing. 

4. Work to help the community to understand the importance of proper support for public education. 

5. Become informed about the nature, value, and direction of contemporary education and support needed change in the schools. 

6. Serve as a communications link between the community and the schools, working to ensure  that the community is fully and accurately informed about the schools and that the school  staff understands the aspirations and desires of the community. 

7. Recognize that a Board member's responsibility is not to “run the schools,” but to see that they are well run through effective policies. 

8. Confine Board action to policymaking, planning, and appraisal, and consult with those who will be affected by the Board’s actions. 

9. Arrive at conclusions after fully discussing the issue at an open meeting, and abide by the principle of majority rule. 

10. Recognize that authority rests only with the whole Board assembled in a meeting, and make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the Board. 

11. Never use the position on the Board for personal gain. 

12. Hold confidential all matters pertaining to the schools that, if disclosed, might needlessly injure individuals or the schools. When meeting other Board Members at social affairs or  other functions, refrain from discussions of personalities or personnel grievances.

13. Ensure that all school business transactions be open and ethical.


14. Ensure that the best personnel available are appointed to all positions in the district. 

15. Refer all complaints through the proper “chain of command” within the system, and act on such complaints at public meetings only when administrative solutions fail. 

16. Individual Board members have no special authority except when they are convened at a legal meeting of the Board or vested with special authority by Board action. Therefore,  discussions of personalities or personnel grievances will be considered as evidence of  unethical conduct. 

Reference: "Connecticut Code of Ethics for Boards of Education", printed in Responsibilities of Board of Education Membership (revised June 1989) 

Bylaw adopted by the Board: December 8, 2014 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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