
Series 9000: Bylaws of the Board

9311.1 Board Policies

Within the context of current law, the District shall be guided by Board-adopted written policies that are given appropriate distribution and are accessible to staff members, parents, students, and community residents.

Legally referenced policies contain provisions from federal and state statutes and regulations, case law, and other legal authority that together form the framework for local decision making  and implementation. These policies are binding on the District until the cited provisions are  repealed, revised, or superseded by legislative, regulatory, or judicial action. 

No policy or regulation, or any portion thereof, shall be operative if it is found to be in conflict with applicable law. 

If any portion of a policy or its application to any person or circumstance is found to be invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of policy that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application; and to this end the provisions of this policy manual  are declared to be severable. 

Policies and policy amendments may be initiated by the Superintendent, Board members, school  personnel, or community citizens, but generally shall be recommended for the Board’s consideration by the Superintendent. 

The Board shall designate one copy of the policy manual as the official policy manual of the District. The official copy shall be kept in the Superintendent's office, and the Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for its accuracy and integrity and shall maintain a historical record  of the District’s policy manual. 

Local policies may be adopted or amended by a majority of the Board at any regular or special meeting, provided that Board members have advance written notice of the proposed change and that it has been placed on the agenda for such meeting. 

Local policies become effective upon Board adoption or at a future date designated by the Board at the time of adoption. 

After Board review of legally referenced policies and adoption of local policies, the new material  shall be incorporated into the official policy manual and into other localized policy manuals  maintained by the District. If discrepancies occur between different copies of the manual  distributed throughout the District, the version contained in the official policy manual shall be  regarded as authoritative. 

Legal Reference:

Connecticut General Statutes 

10-221 Boards of education to prescribe rules, policies and procedures 

Bylaw adopted by the Board: December 8, 2014 THOMASTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Thomaston, Connecticut

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